

Start DateSunday, July 22, 2018
End DateTuesday, July 24, 2018
Incident TypeProperty damage, assults and killings
Incident5 believers killed in Goba, three shops looted. Homes were selectively attacked. Christian properties were burnt. Some Christians have been forced to converted their religion. There are also many unaccounted deaths in other Woredas (Kokosa and Sinana). In addition witnesses reported, militias alleging to be OLF attacked selected Christian households and properties and were aided by local special forces (Witness report is separate from that EOTC provided). Note: DW reported more than 10 deaths for the same incident, while EOTC, only 5.
Eyewitness TestimoniesTension mounted after groups/mobs wanted to demolish a roundabout and erect a statue for Haji Adem Sado. This escalated the tension between Orthodox and Muslim inhabitants. Meanwhile there were rumors of plans to burn churches so several people organised and started guarding churches. It was at this moment that mobs started attacking selected Amhara/Christian households in the city. Stones were thrown, sometimes fire was thrown at houses. For fear of being burned alive, families had a person stay outside in the middle of the stone storm. In case of fire, this person would alarm those inside so they can escape in time. The person I got this account from was hit by stones on several parts of her body. sadly, all the men of this household were guarding churches when the attacks happened and women were stuck with children alone. A very stressful traumatic experience. Asked why they don’t sell their property and leave, the answer I get repeatedly is ” there is a consensus that people should not buy property from us”. This has devalued the actual price of christian properties making it systematically difficult and unprofitable for people to find a better life elsewhere. last note: the mayor Zeinaba Taha is alleged to play a big part in orchestrating the attacks, along with the alleged collaboration of the local special force.
Related Incidents

This incident has been reported by several news outlets. BBC, DW, Ethiopia Live Updates, Sheger, Addis Standard to list a few. Etihiopia live Updates claimed BBC’s report to be one sided.

Abiy Ahmed left to the UAE for a tripartite summit compromising Ethiopia, Eritrea and the UAE


Start DateOctober 23,2019
End DateOctober 25,2019
WoredaRobe Town
Incident TypeProperty damage, assults and killings
DescriptionBale, in two days nine people were buried while two bodies had been sent to families elsewhere. (source AHRE, link included).
Related political incidentA nationwide series of violent protests, concentrated in the Oromia Region, broke out in Ethiopia starting on 23 October 2019, sparked by activist and media owner Jawar Mohammed’s allegation that security forces had attempted to detain him. According to official reports, 86 people were killed, mostly by mobs targeting ethnic and religious minorities within the region and surrounding areas, including Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, and the Harari Region.
Source Ahttps://ahrethio.org/2019/10/27/ahre-in-utmost-terms-alerts-the-international-community-about-the-looming-threat-of-civil-war-in-ethiopia/
Source Bhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_2019_Ethiopian_clashes
Source Chttps://www.dw.com/am/በዶዶላ-የ14-ሰዎች-ቀብር-መፈጸሙን-ነዋሪዎች-ተናገሩ/a-51001567
Property DamageBelay (shaya) shufer (buried at Gebre kiristos)
Mebratu (buried Gabriel)
5 Muslim casualties buried at qera cemetery
More casualties are buried elsewhere in smaller towns (Hamidasole (1),Sanbitu (2), Hora Boqa (4), Shaya, around Robe, Aba Kera (1), in a cementary above Catholic (2) )
Damtew (Gasera) bajaj shufere was tebaki of a bank. He recently bought his own bajaj
Burner hotels:
Metaferia deneke hotel
Zerfe Girmay hotel
Yehualashet Hotel
Yante hotel
Meskel hotel
Elshadai hotel
Kidus Michael hotel
Harar hotel
Kassahun shimelis hotel
Dashen hotel
Burato hotel
Welmel cafe
Abadama pension
Hibret bank
El classico bar
Misrak hotel
Tigist shambel grocery
Muna zewde’s house
Children playground (Donsa I’m front of Mariam church). around this area a bus was burned
And mayor and police were watching as this was happening!